A number of seasonal programs coming up in December
I have a number of seasonal programs in December. I'll be offering my popular A Winter Solstice Celebration at many schools and libraries. This program typically includes songs from Chanukah, Christmas and other traditions combined with seasonal sing-alongs and songs of light from around the world. I'll also be presenting Children's Songs and Singing Games at area libraries during the vacation week and welcoming in 2011 with my annual First Night Jr Family Concert held at Holyoke State Park on December 31. This festive afternoon celebration is perfect for families with young children. Park your car and ride on the historic Merry-Go-Round, play at the Holyoke Children's Museum and enjoy singing with me at Heritage Park. Please visit my calender page for details on these and other upcoming programs. Hope to see you!
78 Pratt Corner Rd., Shutesbury, MA 01072
Home: (413) 259-1146, Cell: 413-210-0239
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CT Libraries Performers Dir.
Davis Bates